Web Dev Prep

About Web Dev Prep

This website is based on my notes as I am learning web development. I have a lot of experience building websites using platforms like WordPress, Shopify, Wix and others. A few years ago I decided to learn how to code a website from scratch, starting with HTML on W3 Schools. Once I got a little way into that I downloaded VSCode and set it up.

Since that time I have been learning non-stop and I am surprised at the skills I have picked up and how much easier it is to work with good basic skills. VSCode is a powerful piece of software that is a joy to use, but it took me quite a while to learn how to really use it to full benefit.

I am building this site as a place to share my notes for other beginners, and also as a quick reference for myself. One aspect of coding is looking things up. Well I often go look at my own code base on GitHub to find answers because it is quicker and reinforces what I am learning.

I also want to share the joy of these basic building blocks of coding. Terminal, VSCode, Vim, GitHub and etc. etc.

TIP: When you are struggling with a coding concept and ready to take a break, use that time to get better at basic skills by learning or practicing them. Some time here and there will eventually add up!