Web Dev Prep

Deploying Your SvelteKit App to Netlify

Tue Jul 12 2022

#deployment #configuration

SvelteKit is in Beta

Check the Docs

Publishing on Netlify

This is how to deploy your SvelteKit app using Netlify. You will need to have your app’s code in a repository on GitHub. If you need help getting started with Git and/or GitHub please visit my site Beginners Guide to Git & GitHub.

Prepare the Code

First you will have to prepare the code to be ready for Netlify.

  1. Install the netlify adapter

npm i -D @sveltejs/adapter-netlify

  1. Configure SvelteKit to use the Netlify Adapter In svelte.config.js:

Before you add the Netlify adapter you will have the auto adapter that is installed when you initialize your SvelteKit project. Once you install the Netlify adapter you will need to change the svelte.config.js file, which you can do by switching out the import source as shown below. Simply replace adapter-auto with adapter-netlify. At the Netlify adapter GitHub page they have an example including options you can use, but it will work as is.

import adapter from "sveltejs/adapter-netlify";

export default {
  kit: {
    adapter: adapter()
  1. Make your netlify.toml file on the root of your project.
  command = "npm run build"
  publish = "build"
  1. Build the app
npm run build
  1. Commit and push your changes to your GitHub repo.

git add -A && git commit -m "message about commit" && git push

Deploy to Netlify

  1. Sign up for a free Netlify account at netlify.com
  2. Sign in and go to your team overview page
  3. Click on add new site
  4. Choose Import an existing project
  5. Pick GitHub to get a list of your repositories
  6. Choose the repository from the list
  7. Click to deploy, you can change the name once the site is built.
  8. It will take a few minutes for the site to be built and deployed.
  9. Once it is built go visit the site to make sure it works
  10. If you want you can change the name of your site just click on Site Settings on your site’s overview page. On the right hand side you will see your site’s name and where to change it.


  1. Copy the url to your website
  2. Go to your GitHub repo for the site
  3. In the right hand column click About settings
  4. There is a place to add the link to your site.

Going forward

Whenever you make changes to your website and push the changes to GitHub, Netlify will rebuild your site and re-deploy it. It may take a minute or two, but once it is done the changes will be reflected on your site.