Web Dev Prep

Basic VSCode Settings

Sun Jul 31 2022

#vscode #keybindings #themes #extensions

Setting up your editor for work is an art and a science, a constant evolution as your skills change and grow. These settings are based on using the editor for front-end web development as a beginner.

General Settings

To open your settings: ctrl + , or click on the gear icon in the lower left corner of the editor and select settings. I will just go over a few basic settings that I like. There are lots to choose from, so take your time and adjust things as you get more experience with coding.

The settings menu opens with Commonly Used settings listed on the left hand side. You can just find the listings you are looking for using the search bar.

General Extensions

Some Favorites

Well there are some basic settings and commands for VSCode. There are numerous settings and extensions for all types of development needs! Front-End | Back-End | Full-Stack I am most familiar with web development using HTML, CSS, JS and other related tools, VSCode meets and exceeds my needs. It is enjoyable and quite lovely to use.

I remember when I first used VSCode thinking I would never use half of the features, but more and more, as my skills grew, I started using additional features. Take your time getting to know your way around, it is worth the investment.